I presented the giant walking orange cones as the Liberate Virginia Checkpoint and spoke to news organizations from Virginia, and all over the world that Virginia needs to join the rest of America and return to normal. Many of my volunteers drove their cars with giant signs and loudspeakers in opposition to Ralph Northam
Wuhan red death virus -
Virginia Mercury reports on the Liberate Virginia Reopen Checkpoint in Richmond Rally against Northam -
Virginia Mercury reports on the Liberate Virginia Reopen Checkpoint in Richmond Rally against Northam -
USA Today -
UPI reports Liberate Virginia Checkpoint Orange Cones Eugene Delgaudio -
Virginia Mercury reports on the Liberate Virginia Checkpoint in Richmond Rally against Northam -
Roll Call reports on our Recall Northam pendant -
Richmond Times Dispatch Reports on the #Richmondgridlock and #reopenva -
NBC12 News reports on our action on the streets in Richmond, #reopenva -
NBC12 News reports on our action on the streets in Richmond, #reopenva -
Reuters Reports -
Breitbart News reports on #reopenva rally in RIchmond, VA -
Breitbart News reports on rally Northam Baby Killer on car -
Northam HATES Christians -
Keep American Family Values Great! -
Family Rights Forever #KAG -
Northam Baby Killer -
Many who agree that Ralph Northam has been acting like a dictator -
Liberate Virginia Orange Checkpoint Cones against Northam -
Greeting cars at the #reopenVA