Helpful Links
CAUTIONARY NOTE: PA is posting and recommending these pro-family resources. PA does not take a position on certain religious or theological discussions not related to our own Programs or own (PA) mission that are on some of these websites.
- 2008 to 2022 Public Advocate Financial Disclosure IRS Forms 990 (Source: Foundation Center)
- Bad Books List of Gender Corruption Theory
- Courage and EnCourage ~ HELP and SUPPORT for homosexuals Courage and EnCourage International is an apostolate which offers support for those who experience same-sex attractions and their loved ones.
- LMNOP State Grading
- Public Advocate Official Songbook 2020
Pro-Family sites
- Alliance Defending Freedom
Alliance Defense Fund changed its name to Alliance Defending Freedom. This is a law foundation that defends religious liberty in a forthright fashion and is on the front lines defending traditional marriage.
- American Family Association
Pro-Family Issues group headed by Tim Wildmon and Founded by Donald Wildmon based in Tuplelo, Miss.
- Association of Sites Advocating Child ProtectionASACP is dedicated to eliminating child pornography from the Internet.
- Biological Integrity
- Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)Christian Issues Group
- Coach Dave
Lean and clean Coach Dave Daubenmire loves all human beings as a voice for genuine Christianity and moral values. His online video platform reaches millions so leftist Stephen Colbert attacked the Coach.
- Conservative Tree House
A pro-family conservative blog with commentary. Wordpress hosted it but is was too hot.
- Family Research Council
- Focus on the Family
- Mass Resistance
They have consistently exposed liberals and pro-homosexual candidates, policies and office holders in both major parties for the longest time in Massachusetts no less.
- Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX)
- Promise Keepers
- Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation
The advocacy group Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation (SESAME) is promoting legislation passed in Pennsylvania in 2014 that would prohibit educators nationwide from recommending teachers accused of sexual misconduct.
- The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)
Author of Public Advocate's many amicus briefs over 40 years. Public Advocate has over 80 briefs defending Religious Liberty. William Olson's website has those briefs and also posts briefs defending Donald Trump, gun rights, First Amendment and Freedom of Speech on behalf of conservatives and our not-for-profit friends.
Conservative sites
The late patriot Andrew Breitbart has supporters who continue the Breitbart News Network
- American Thinker
Conservative Mark Levin has high opinion and rightly so of this news site.
- Ann Coulter
Unapologetic commentator, speaker, lawyer and author who liked Chris Christie but handed Donald Trump his signature "Build the Wall" anti-illegal alien platform in the summer of 2015 with her book "Adios America". Once a friend of the "gay GOP lobby crowd", she stood alone against Supreme Judge John Roberts along with the late Howard Phillips and Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio for the right reasons--that Roberts would betray US. And we were all right!
2021 Bonus Coulter Was Right. On Jan. 6 2021 VP Mike Pence lied about having several options to avoid rubber stamping the ballot irregularities in the 2020 election. In 2016 Ann Coulter told everyone: "Pence is the combo-platter of disaster." and "First he allowed himself to be portrayed as a right-wing homophobic nut and then - just days later - he sold out to the left-wing activists, anyway,"
Coulter said it repeatedly in ten typically Coulter style tweets (posted at this url)
- Bill O'Reilly
We are forever grateful for his broadcast of our efforts to sing Christmas carols at the American Civil Liberties Union Washington office to ask for a halt on attacks on Christmas.
- BizPac Review
Ten Times faster than Ben Shapiro talking, snarky and punchy reporting flies circles around most liberal news media. About: "Our analysis... touted by top conservatives in the world."
- Concerned Women of America
- Conservative Actionthe original Anti-clinton Website on the internet with lots of old grassroots style confrontations (DATED 1997 - 2001)
- Conservative HQ
Richard A. Viguerie - Chairman leads Editor: George Rasley and writers Mark Fitzgibbons and Ben Hart to mold the social conservative and foreign policy in the traditional conservative fashion.
- Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund
Humble group provided assistance to the most challenging projects and conservative legal issues for 35 years.
- Eagle Forum
- Free Republic
Grass-roots organization and "news organization" that comments on announcements, news events, conservative and liberal candidates for public office and legislation from that perspective. We donate and we encourage donations here
- Glenn Beck
Believes same-sex marriage is okay and that he is not in agreement with conservatives who want to protect traditional marriage. Appearing on Megyn Kelly's show he refers to "the hatred of gays".
Beck equates disapproval of the behavior with hatred. And here
- Hot Air
Senior Editor "Allahpundit" has been blogging for HotAir since its inception in April 2006. Some say Hot Air predates the internet itself. Later, Senior Editor Ed Morrissey joined HotAir in February 2008
- Laura Ingraham
Experienced and informed spokeslady for conservative values. Taking on liberals in both parties daily with a no compromise authority based on intelligence, reasoning and sources.
- Lou Dobbs
Conservative business commentator and all round friend of president Donald Trump.
- Mark Levin
Longest active Reagan conservative pushing Reagan principles to a national audience from a constitutional conservative perspective and traditional values perspective. Created Conservative Review, wrote many books, started CRTV, the independent cable service, and recently teamed up with Sean, Rush and Glenn (!) to create CRTV.
- Michael Savage
Home of The Savage Nation radio show. Credited with demonstrating along with Ann Coulter the popularity of opposing unlimited illegal immigration.
- National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (formerly N A R T H)
(Formerly National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality)
The single most truthful and caring group of health professionals available in one place for the longest time.
- PJ Media
Home of Instapundit, Rick Moran, Dennis Prager, David Limbaugh and 23 conservative columnists.
- Red State
Red State writers don't care about liberals since Conservatives own this planet. Get used to it.
- Rush Limbaugh
The late Conservative Commentator who took on the Obama administration. With hosts re-broadcasting recordings of Rush, he still defends tradtional marriage, pro-life issues, explains failed liberal economic policies and has the biggest audience of any American conservative on radio, even after his life sadly ended. President Trump awarded him the Medal of Freedom and all conservatives love him.
- The Federalist
Traditional pro-family conservative news outlet breaks some major investigations regularly.
- The Gateway Pundit
Gonzo investigative network reporting constantly breaking developments on frontline conservative actions, exposes, investigations and future policy.
- Twitchy
Founded by Michele Malkin who has been attacked by the same homosexual lobbies that regularly attack Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.
- Western Journal
Always fresh and timely conservative online news. Published and owned by the conservative Brown family, it is must reading for thoughtful Constitutionalists worldwide.
Media Links
- #1 Public Advocate - Facebook
- #2 Public Advocate - Twitter
- #3 Public Advocate - Instagram
- #4 Public Advocate - Parler
- #5 Public Advocate - USA Life
- #6 Public Advocate - Codias
- #7 Public Advocate - Pinterest
- #8 Public Advocate - YouTube
- #9 Public Advocate - Gab
- 10 Public Advocate - FreedomBook
- 11 Public Advocate - Linkedin
- 700 Club
The 700 Club is a live television program that airs each weekday. It is produced before a studio audience at the broadcast facilities of The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
- Christian News Wire
Major news source for most pro-morality groups from religious, charities and political perspectives.
- Christian Post
Top Christian newspaper and defender of religious liberty for all churches. Public Advovcate agrees with their own description: "nation's most comprehensive Christian news website" .
- Christian Science Monitor
A fair and balanced newspaper that reports factually on some of the top events in political history in more detail than other news sources.
- Cybercast News Service
The best social conservative news site provides a sharp political edge to daily headlines and gives a forum to millions of Christians, and moral thinking Americans seeking a higher standard always.
Agressive and timely pounding with investigative reports around the clock from a watch dog perspective.
- Daily Wire
Listen to Ben Shapiro or Michael Knowles, but put on your speed hearing as sometimes they know more than most about things you need to know and speak fast. Moderate Neo-conservative style.
Conservative commentator on Fox TV and former candidate for Congress. Founder new website to rival Drudge Report with Bongino Report. "I will never betray you," says Bongino.
- Epoch Times
Daily news online and in print and in the mail. If you are starting out as a conservative or a senior policy staffer, you need the Epoch Times.
- Fox News
- Human Events Newspaper
Conservative News weekly since 1944. The most exhaustive research about conservative and liberal policies, office holders, and candidates from a highly reputable staff.
- Los Angeles Times
- Michele Malkin-- Conservative Commentator
Together with Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio has been frequently targeted by the homosexual lobbies for truthful and factual advocacy of sound pro-family public policy -- sometimes in the same week by the same homosexual lobby. The leftist lobbies especially hate conservative women who have a national audience.
- National File
National File is a bold new media project focused on hard news regarding cultural movements, political issues, the tech industry, and other topics pertaining to the New Right.
- National Pulse
Editor-in-Chief is a guy called Raheem Kassam.
- National Review
Neo-conservative. Critical of Public Advocate political street theater style confrontations in 1993. PA has differences with NR as we opposed traitor Judge Roberts and later stopped another NR favorite Rhino William Pryor, also considered for the Supreme court 3 times. The late Bill Buckley hosted a private lunch in 1977 at NR's NYC offices for a very young Eugene Delgaudio, who won the YAF membership contest. Earlier, Delgaudio funded the only student run campaign headquarters for Bill's brother Jim in winning the 1970 U.S. Senate Seat as a Conservative.
- New York Post
- New York Times
- NewsMaxpremiere news site of investigative journalist Chris Ruddy
- NTD News
NTD stands for New Tang Dynasty and they are a New York based news company fighting Communism founded by victims of China Communist persecution.
Truthful online news broadcast with conservative leadership
- Wall Street Journal
Good for headlines and two paragraphs lead but then there's a paywall.
- Washington Examiner
The Examiner in Washington beats up liberals and has a main stream conservative bent. It has gone 100 per cent electronic online.
- Washington Post
Hysterical liberal slant with false premise similar to a liberal grab bag of falsehoods.
"...foul smelling decaying corpse of rotting lies." source:
- Washington Times
Regular conservative daily national newspaper in Washington, D.C.
- West Orlando News (Florida)
- World Net DailyHard-hitting news and commentary from the 2nd most popular web site in the world!
TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN online investigative and political news several times daily it seems.
Political Campaign sites
- Star Spangled Banner Including "In God We Trust" (Video:Full Audio, Lyrics Version)
- Star Spangled Banner Short Version with Vocals
- Star Spangled Banner: Where Did National Motto 'In God We Trust' Come From? (ARTICLE)
Just For Fun
- Politickles
Fresh limericks and songwriting available for any "party" (tea party, GOP, conservative, etc.).
F.R. Duplantier is the quickest wit and better than any late night TV show host and their entire creative staff of writers. Hundreds of his samples are posted and they are always timely, punchy and on exhibit. He's on twitter and facebook too.
- Public Advocate Official Songbook 2020