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"Stand Firm" Says Eugene Delgaudio, Against Extremist Homosexual Activists Who Target Christians and Christian Businesses

"We know how these people operate. They want to destroy our Christian beliefs from within, by attacking our businesses and family with their agenda. It's important to stand firm and not fall into their trap, because they want nothing more than for us to take the bait," said Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate.

LifeSite News is reporting:

The Gestapo in Nazi Germany entered Jewish-owned shops to intimidate and demolish them. To do so, they had the full support of the state, the courts and the media to carry out their mission. Today, we are witnessing a similar attempt in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. to intimidate and demolish businesses - only this time, it is not Jews who are being persecuted, but Christian men and women.

Today's apparent Gestapo are the fringe extremists in the homosexual movement and their supporters, who target Christian businesses, such as flower shops, print shops, bakeries, church halls, etc. to demand they supply services for their same-sex activities, such as same-sex marriages and receptions: These activists do so with full knowledge that the owners of these shops would be in contravention of the principles of their Christian faith.

When refused the service, the activists then report to the Human Rights Commission and lay a complaint of discrimination against the offenders, knowing that the Commission will obligingly accept their complaint, and inevitably fine the Christian businesses. The punitive fines are designed to put the Christian shops out of business. If the shop owner appeals to the courts, the latter, with rare exceptions, support the discrimination order and the imposition of fines.

Read the full story here: