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Last of Public Advocate's Targeted Pro-Homosexual Senators Dumped, PA now 8 for 10

Roll Call Magazine Reports this online. Most News Organizations have not yet revealed the tremendous shattering that Mary Landrieu, incumbent liberal Senator may have got.

"Liberals are hiding the resounding and overwhelming numbers crushing a pro-homosexual rights Senator who constituents turned out when they were told the truth about her attacks on Christians and traditional marriage," said Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Roll Call reports:

Cassidy, a doctor who still practices, was leading Landrieu, 65 percent to 35 percent when the Associated Press called the race 30 minutes after polls closed. Republicans also retained two House seats in additional runoff races.

The Associated Press reported :

"Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy has denied Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana a fourth term, calling his Senate victory "the exclamation point" on midterm elections that put Republicans in charge on Capitol Hill for President Barack Obama's last two years in office."

The AP makes reference to "commanding lead" of Cassidy but also refer to "narrow victory" of Landrieu earlier at 42 per cent in an earlier initial run off.

"Public Advocate filed a Independent Expenditure report against Mary Landrieu during this past election and simply added to the report as the election was yesterday. This defeat shows the people of American agree with Public Advocate 8 of 10 times or 80 per cent of time when we bring to their attention the duplicity of certain liberals in public office," said

Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate.

In an online message to over 1 million viewers in Senator Landrieu's state of Louisiana,

PA President Eugene Delgaudio asked (in part):

"What is Senator Mary Landrieu hiding by refusing to answer Public Advocate's pro-Family Survey?

An anti-Family voting record in the Senate, along with full support of the radical Homosexual Lobby's war on Religious Liberty and Traditional Marriage......"