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Gay Legal Hit Squad Given Reasons To NOT Attack Harmless Grandmother

3 Reasons Washington State Shouldn't Come After Barronelle Stutzman's Personal Assets

Here's the legal reasons Alliance Defending Freedom has posted why it is not okay for the Gay Lobby Legal Hit Squad to demolish a grandmother in Washington State, ADF says in part:

(Quote) "In America, the state shouldn't jeopardize your personal assets just because it disagrees with you.

Washington accused Barronelle of discrimination for declining to participate in and create flower arrangements for a long-time customer's same-sex wedding, because of her religious beliefs about marriage - she couldn't use her talents to advance a concept of marriage that was not consistent with God's design.

She is facing lawsuits from her customer, Rob Ingersoll, and his partner, as well as the state of Washington. Barronelle could lose her business. More than that though - her personal assets are at risk. Think about what that term means... according to it includes: "Any articles that possess value, such as real estate, cash, and jewelry, etc."

A hearing is scheduled for (yesterday, Friday) December 5th to determine whether or not the Benton County Superior Court of Washington will allow the personal claims against Barronelle Stutzman to proceed.

Here's three reasons that we believe they should not:

  1. Barronelle's business was set up legally to protect her assets - that's what corporations are designed to do. Washington law protects corporate officers (and business owners like Barronelle) personally except in instances where they knowingly committed acts of fraud, deception, or theft. Barronelle did none of those.
  2. Rob Ingersoll and his partner did not miss out on having flowers at their ceremony because Barronelle could not, as a matter of conscience, design them. In fact, they've received several offers for free flowers.
  3. Barronelle clearly did not discriminate against Ingersoll; she had created flower arrangements for him many times-she considered him a friend. In fact, Barronelle had served and employed numerous people who identify as homosexual over the course of the nearly 15 years she's owned Arlene's Flowers." (uuquote)

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Just take a look at this schocking video from 2008 where an elderly woman is attacked by pro Proposition 8 activists. It is truly disturbing.