Defending the family

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National Broadcast Message: Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio won major victory for Michigan and America's families

National Broadcast Message: Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio won a major victory for Michigan and America's families.

Earlier this summer, the Homosexual Lobby launched an all-out attack on Michigan, a Pro-Family state.

Now due in part to a small groups defense, the group's leader says the liberals were "stopped cold in their ruthless powergrab."

Erick Erickson at RedState summed it up best, in another context: "The default against social issues among rich GOP donors is not the default among the public. Republicans do not need to run on social issues, but they sure ... do not need to run away from them."

Public Advocate's president Eugene Delgaudio announced a massive effort to put the heat on defending family values in U.S. Senate races nationally and said in February:

" A bold pro-Family voice is more important than ever in the Senate, " Delgaudio said

"We won 7 of 9 (U.S. Senate) races we mailed heavily in and head to head the gay lobby was vanquished," said Delgaudio.

Delgaudio describes one state effort by his group, Public Advocate.

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate will send a message Monday at 9 a.m. to 300,000 subscribers and supporters stating:


"In Michigan Public Advocate lawyers won the 6th Circuit decision and traditional marriage is now upheld and goes to the Supreme Court on appeal.

"Judges in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals -- which covers Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Michigan -- have overturned a lower court's ruling that struck down Real Marriage laws in those states.

In response to the initial assault on Real Marriage and states' rights, Public Advocate filed a hard-hitting legal brief in Michigan opposing the Homosexual Lobby's plot to redefine marriage.

This latest Appeals Court victory creates a vital legal precedent for reversing the expansion of so-called homosexual "marriage." "


But this is just part of Public Advocate's program in Michigan

The so-called homosexual lobby bribed Republicans in the state House to pass an expansion to the Elliott-Larsen Act, which would have created privileged employment rights for homosexuals. It would have also opened the door to privileged protection for pedophiles if/when pedophilia is reclassified as a sexual orientation.

Public Advocate launched our proven grassroots program to identify the politicians in Michigan who were really with us, and to uncover those planning to side with the Homosexual Lobby.

We surveyed candidates, dropped mail and postcards, robo-called thousands, held a community meeting on marriage and canvassed districts across the state.

And we did it all on a shoestring budget.

The Homosexual Lobby spent over $150,000 -- that is known for sure, but it's likely much, much higher.

Public Advocate spent a fraction of this and defeated them across the boards.

Not only did the Homosexual Lobby fail to defeat their primary pro-Family targets -- Cindy Gamrat and Gary Glenn -- but pro-Family candidates took the majority of seats in open races when challenging advocates of the Homosexual Agenda.

And public opinion is now firmly against the expansion to Elliott-Larsen.

The Homosexual Lobby has nothing to show for their massive expenditure in Michigan, and Public Advocate intends to keep it that way.

We will be keeping a close eye on Michigan going forward -- readied and waiting for the next attack from the Homosexual Lobby, " said Delgaudio.

