Reaction To Herring Release of Child Rapists In Virginia "Appalling" "Shock" "Absurd"
Reaction To Herring Release of Child Rapists In Virginia
"Appalling" "Shock" "Absurd"
Ken Cuccinelli via his Facebook (
"As the father of five daughters, I find AG Herring's record on protecting our young girls absolutely appalling." (Direct quote from former AG Cuccinelli on his personal Facebook)
The Bull Elephant
This should come as unwelcome news to the General Assembly, and I sincerely hope that a bipartisan majority can address this injustice when the session reconvenes. One doesn't have to be pro-life to recognize how this ruling potentially endangers the welfare of those kids who have been victimized once already, and who would be victimized again by people in a position of public trust refusing to take steps to report actual child abuse when they see it. (Exceprt from story)
Victoria Cobb, President of the Family Foundation of Virginia
"This opinion undermining our statutory rape and mandatory reporting laws should shock any reasonable person," (Direct quote from Victoria Cobb)
With his ruling, Herring "has made it easier for pedophiles to escape justice," (Partial quote from Victoria Cobb)
(Excerpt from the Family Foundation's Press Release).
The Family Foundation Statement (
"This surprising opinion absolves health care professionals at abortion centers or the health department of responsibility to report the suspected rape of a child to the Department of Social Services or law enforcement,"
What's actually absurd is the removal of responsibility to report suspected abuse, as if no one but a parent could abuse or allow abuse of a child. (Excerpt from article from Live Action News)
Herring has just made it easier for such abuse to happen without consequence for abortion workers. A man sworn to uphold the law has created a free-for-all in VA for everyone who is not a parent or guardian because now the girl can have an abortion and remove evidence of the abuse without repercussions. (Excerpt from Article)