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Delgaudio Asks Tenn. Court "Order End to Dangerous Harrassment of PA VP Mark Clayton "

In a declaration on file with the Tennessee courts, Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio is requesting the court order the end to the institutional harrassment of Mark Clayton due solely to his volunteer position as Vice-president of Public Advocate.

Copy of filed Declaration signed by Delgaudio, click on the link here

In a separate development, Public Advocate vice-president Mark Clayton is asking the court to strike the use of his private street address citing the threats to the president of Public Advocate and recent attempts by a domestic terrorist to kill members of the Public Advocate staff in Washington which in the opinion of Public Advocate counsel and other court filings is the result of the false propaganda being spread on an ongoing basis by the Southern Poverty law center.

Copy of Mark Clayton's Appeal to the Tenn. Supreme Court, click here on this link.