Defending the family

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Public Advocate Reaches 20 Million Americans In Defense of Mt. Soledad Cross

A small pro-family group has figured out an inexpensive way to reaching out to Americans and is in the process of contacting "millions."

Public Advocate is contacting 20 million Americans in 49 states (all except Hawaii) in a "grass roots class action"defense of religious freedom represented by the struggle to keep the Cross up at Mount Soldedad outside San Diego, California.

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate of the US Inc, announced today:

" For 30 years, Public Advocate contacts one million people annually using traditional direct mail but this year we will reach out with our materials and reach more than 20 million Americans in our campaign to save the Mt. Soledad Cross."

"This 20 fold increase shows the strong response to Public Advocate's call to fight the forces promoting the destruction of moral values in America and to keep the cross up at Mount Soledad. We call it grass roots class action."

"Along with a first contact with twenty million Americans we are collecting one million signed petitions insisting that this monument be left alone for presentation ceremonies to Congress and for use in paying for legal briefs and other actions."

"We feel The American Civil Liberties Union and other anti-Christian groups attacking any public display of religious expression are determined to punish Christianity in their nation-wide attack on morality.

"Christianity in the military, in federal offices, and in universities is being outlawed and we must all do more to resist this assault," said Delgaudio.

Public Advocate has also filed legal briefs in this case, asking the Supreme Court to take this decision away from the notoriously liberal 9th Circuit Court and to expand the rights for Christian expression using the recent Supreme Court decision in the Town of Greece decision as a "game changer" that begins to restore religious liberty,

A copy of Public Advocate 28 page legal brief is here at this link

Delgaudio fears that the very liberal 9th Circuit will ignore the precedence set by previous Supreme Court rulings in the "Town of Greece" decision which protect the right for religious displays in public places.

Rather than wait for the 9th Circuit to destroy the Cross, Public Advocate is meeting what they consider to be a threat to religious liberty head on. Public Advocate has sponsored political advocacy at every level of government from Washington, D.C. to Detroit, Michigan. These programs include legal briefs, petitions, demonstrations, news conferences and unusual
street theater. Regarding the Supreme Court, Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio led several campaigns to confirm or deny judicial nominations in a bi-partisan fashion and in one encounter, in 1990, burned the robes of Justice Antonin Scalia in front of a cheering rally at the Court to protest the judge joining a five to four decision to allow flag burning.

"Our goal today one million petitions in proving there is a "grass roots class action" or impacted population (Christians) in an appeal or reconsideration to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts or any member of the Court to "immediately" take this case away from the 9th Circuit Court and to immediately prevent any further damage to the Cross or religious liberty", said Delgaudio

The petition, one of several, is posted here for illustration purposes: