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Gordon College Being Persecuted for Religious Beliefs



The fallout from President Barack Obama's executive order enforcing special rights for homosexuals is already hitting home for Christians.

Gordon College -- a Christian college in Wenham, Massachusetts -- had a contract with the nearby town of Salem terminated because of the school's traditional religious beliefs.

Citing the Supreme Court's recent ruling in the Hobby Lobby case, Gordon's president signed an open letter seeking a religious exemption from Obama's latest executive overreach.

That's why your Public Advocate has been spearheading efforts to defend the legal foundations of Religious Liberty and Traditional Values in American society.

I've been coordinating Public Advocate's nationwide network of grassroots activists in a targeted, effective campaign to turn up the heat on Congress to defend the Constitutional Rights they were elected to uphold.

If you haven't yet, please click here to sign Public Advocate's "Protect Religious Liberty" Directive today !

As always, I will keep you updated on this story and our latest efforts to restore our Traditional Values and First Amendment freedoms.

For the Family,
President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

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