Defending the family

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DELGAUDIO WRITES THOUSANDS IN ARKANSAS TO HOLD Incumbent Senator Mark Pryor's, and challenger Rep. Tom Cotton's FEET TO FIRE.

A judge has recently ruled to strike down Arkansas' Real Marriage Amendment.

Which means your state will not only be forced to recognize homosexual "marriages" performed in more radical states...

But that Arkansas will also have to officially license these unnatural "marriages" directly!

Our Founding Fathers did not fight and die so that the Homosexual Lobby could force the nation to embrace their twisted values.

Neither Incumbent Senator Mark Pryor (AR), or challenger Rep. Tom Cotton.
have completed their Official Candidate's Family Values Survey from Public Advocate!

So why won't Pryor or Cotton pledge to restore Arkansas marriage?

Together, we can take the first step towards restoring Arkansas' Real Marriage Amendment!

For the Family," alt="" />
President, Public Advocate of the U.S.