Defending the family

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Update on Texas ordinance that allows men to use women's restrooms

A family values organization is involved in efforts to repeal a Houston, Texas ordinance that allows men to use women's restrooms and also threatens religious freedom.

The ordinance, which passed 11-6 in May, promotes homosexual rights and suppresses conservative views, says Jonathan Saenz of Texas Values.

A political fight over the ordinance is not over. Saenz says 17,000 qualified voter signatures are needed by today, June 27, to force the city council to either repeal the ordinance or put it on the next city election ballot for a referendum vote.

According to Saenz, council members reported that calls to their offices were as high as 10 to one opposing the measure.

If the ordinance does get repealed, Saenz predicts it could be the "beginning of a sea change" against homosexual gains in recent months and years.

Opponents of the ordinance had only 30 days to gather enough signatures for a voter referendum.

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