Defending the family

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Evangelicals Will Continue Fight for Traditional Marriage

Alexis De Tocqueville looked at America with open eyes and saw its strengths and its flaws. He reported with honesty about the human damage caused by slavery. But he also saw the beginnings of a great country in which human potential could be realized through freedom. And he recognized the crucial role that morals and religion play in making this possible.

Since same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts ten years ago, it has become legal in 17 states and the District of Columbia and is now recognized by the federal government.

A coalition of 100 black pastors in Michigan now stands in vehement opposition to a federal district court ruling in March overturning a voter approved measure which amended the Michigan constitution in 2004 to define marriage as between one man and one woman.

Although most blacks and Christian evangelicals have probably not read the words of Tocqueville, they appreciate the truths that he identified in 1835 about the importance of religious values to American freedom.