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Eugene Delgaudio Returns To Texas To Defend Christians From Attacks By City "Warlords"

Eugene Delgaudio Returns To Texas To Defend Christians From Attacks from City "Warlords"

For Immediate Release: Monday May 12, 2014

In a letter being mailed and sent by twitter, email and other on-line methods over the next few days, Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate, is asking Texas citizens to join his call for Texas state officials to investigate the possible collusion of Houston city officials with special interests to attack Christians.

Delgaudio is saying in part to 100,000 Texas contacts:

"Houston's Mayor Annise Parker has announced this new over-reaching ordinance to promote and privilege homosexuality in the government sector -- and the private sector!

Christians and other pro-Family Texans who do not endorse homosexuality will be targeted.

And it could be law as soon as tomorrow........

San Antonio's City Council passed (a law) like it last summer.

San Antonio is now purging Christians and anyone else who opposes the Homosexual Agenda from government jobs.

But Houston is going even further, forcing the private sector to endorse this radical agenda.

These city governments are not operating constitutionally or representing the interests of their citizens.......

.......Public Advocate believes these ordinances could be the result of collusion between city officials and the Homosexual Lobby to deprive Christians of the right to practice their faith.

We are calling on Governor Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott to open immediate Texas investigations into the new Houston and San Antonio city ordinances, with respect to possible collusion of city government with the Homosexual Lobby to deprive citizens of their rights to religion, free speech, and freedom of association."

End of statement