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WT: Lesbian 'throuple' proves Scalia (and Public Advocate) right on slippery slopes

WT: Lesbian 'throuple' proves Scalia right on slippery slopes

The Washington Times Editorial says:

Well, that didn't take long. Doll, Brynn and Kitten Young, a lesbian trio, have declared themselves the world's first "throuple." The Massachusetts women claim to be "married" and await their first child. Massachusetts doesn't recognize "throuple marriage" yet, but the year is young. When the Supreme Court eviscerated authentic marriage last year, this was foretold. There's already an organized movement, led by college professors, for what might be called "grouple" marriage.

Justice Antonin Scalia warned of such mischief when his colleagues tossed out the Defense of Marriage Act. "By formally declaring anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human decency," he wrote in his dissent in United States v. Windsor, "the majority arms well every challenger to a state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition."

Justice Scalia predicted in 2003 that the majority decision in Lawrence v. Texas, striking down a law making sodomy ilegal, would become the battering ram to eliminate prohibitions on bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, bestiality and obscenity, among other things.

Public Advocate's legal team filed friends of the court briefs in both cases detailing this problem.