Keep Calling the Embassy! UPDATED: Pro-family speaker now allowed to speak at event in Canada
Global News (Canada) reports
After a hearing with the Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) anti-gay speaker Peter LaBarbera, president of 'Americans for Truth about Homosexuality', will be allowed into Canada to speak at an event in Weyburn.
"We were treated fairly and reasonably. They said they didn't have sufficient grounds to prosecute (based on) the hate propaganda code. That's gratifying," said LaBarbera.
LaBarbera was detained at the Regina airport on Thursday night as CBSA agents grilled him for nearly three hours after he entered Canada.
The Weyburn Review Newspaper reports:
A controversial American speaker, Peter LaBarbera, was allowed entry to Canada after first being disallowed from entering the country when he landed at the Regina Airport on Thursday evening; he had a hearing at noon on Friday to appeal the decision, and will now able to speak at the Saskatchewan Pro-Life conference in Weyburn.
LaBarbera is president of the group Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, and was being denied entry on the basis of allegedly violating the hate propaganda law.
He was detained by the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA), and had his bags and laptop searched; the agency also watched a DVD of a speech he gave on Wednesday at a college in Dayton, Ohio, and looked at his website.
In a tweet after winning his appeal, LaBarbera said, "Canadian customs officials reverse earlier decision and let me stay in coutnry to give my speech on Saturday. Win for true tolerance and diversity."