Phili Boy Scout Action Allowing Gays Likely Illegit
The announcement came after consultation with the group's professional parliamentarian, Jesse R. Binnall, CPP, regarding the legitimacy of the action taken by the Philadelphia council. Although his opinion is based solely on the tenants of common parliamentary law, and not on the Boy Scouts' governing documents, Mr. Binnall issued a strong opinion that the action was illegitimate.
"There are certain actions that deliberative assembly's cannot take, such as actions that would violate the organization's bylaws, constitution." Stated Mr. Binnall in his parliamentary opinion. "Another example, the one that is likely to invalidate the actions of the Philadelphia Boy Scouts, is that when an organization is affiliated with a parent group, the local society cannot take any action that would be contrary to the governing documents or policies of the parent group. If such action was taken the motion would be improper and thus null and void."
Mr. Binnall is a Certified Professional Parliamentarian (CPP), accredited by the American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP). The CPP designation is the highest level of parliamentary accreditation within AIP. Public Advocate has announced that they would be willing to make Mr. Binnall's services available to the Boy Scouts on this matter free of charge.
Public Advocate of the United States has been fighting for family rights for over twenty-five years. It is a 501.c.4 organization and donations are not tax deductible. For more information contact Jesse R. Binnall, CPP at 703/582-7924.