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Eugene Delgaudio Says "Gay Lobby And Same Sex Marriage Will Lead to Polygamy"

This is a small taste of what is to come, if we give in to the homosexual lobby here in the United States.

In "Gay 'marriage' will never, ever, ever lead to polygamy (unless it does)" , reports:

Australian activists for same-sex marriage have always insisted, that it will not lead to polygamy or polyamory. Never, ever, ever. Gay marriage is just like traditional marriage, except for the sex of the spouse. Activist Rodney Croome wrote last year that "studies show most LGBTI people want to be part of a two-person marriage, while partners in polyamorist relationships (most of which begin as heterosexual unions) say they don't want their relationships recognised as marriages." Former Greens leader Bob Brown described a push for polyamory as "nonsense".

This is a crucial point for supporters. If they were to concede that same-sex marriage would ultimately lead to polygamy and more imaginative forms of marriage, they would prove that there is a slippery slope. So they are forced into vehement denials.

How odd, then, that a Polyamory Action Lobby (PAL) has been founded in Australia "to combat the image of poly people as relationship bogeymen".

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Where will the madness end?