Eugene Delgaudio: Expel, Ship Out or Deport Piers Morgan before he "amends the Bible"
The petition signers pile up.
He wants all guns collected immediately and likes to yell at Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt who is the strongest gun rights advocate alive-- but restrained by strong moral values clearly absent in Piers Morgan -- which should be immediate grounds alone for deporting.
Now he wants all Bibles to be rounded up as well.
Hot Air reports "And not just the Bible, but Piers Morgan wants to amend the Constitution, too. It's a darn good thing that the CNN host needed work badly enough to emigrate to a place that he finds so disagreeable. What did we ever do without him?"
Hot Air is on to him as are we.
His (Morgan's) insistence on amending the Bible amuses more than it shocks, because it's impossible to take Morgan seriously. He's needling Rick Warren, nothing more, and attempting to provoke him into a heated exchange. Warren (like Larry Pratt earlier) is simply smarter than Morgan, and takes a pass.