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LA Times: Mass Media Woos Justice Kennedy To Destroy Traditional Marriage

The Los Angeles Times reports: "For more than two decades, the defining battles within the Supreme Court over social and moral controversies have been fought between two devout Catholics appointed by President Reagan.

Justice Antonin Scalia believes the law can and should enforce moral standards, including criminal bans on abortion and on "homosexual conduct" that many "believe to be immoral and destructive."

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy is a libertarian conservative who believes the Constitution protects the freedom of individuals to "make personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, child rearing and education."

Now the ideological fight between the conservative giants is set for another round. The two 76-year-olds are to some extent likely to be on opposite sides when the court meets in the spring to decide whether the government can refuse marriage and federal benefits to gays and lesbians."

Public Advocate believes this LA Times article is a good example of how pressure is brought to bear on Justice Kennedy to award power to the homosexual lobby and to destroy traditional marriage protections passed by the people of California and most of America.

LA Times article is posted at,0,6506575.story?track=lat-pick