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PERVERTS continue Corruption: Incest and Pedophilia, the New Frontier, says Hollywood Director Nick Cassavetes,

Here Comes Incest, Just as Predicted by Public Advocate and other pro-family groups.

One published sources says: "If all human beings should have the right to marry (or simply be with) the one they love, as proponents of same-sex marriage constantly tell us, then why shouldn't adult, incestuous couples enjoy that same "right"? Hollywood director Nick Cassavetes is the latest to say, "Why not?", and I for one am not in the least bit surprised. Simply stated, with the public endorsement of same-sex relationships, the endorsement (or at least acceptance) of consensual, adult, incestuous relationships is the next step....."

Incest and Pedophilia, the New Frontier

Veteran reporter Sharon Waxman knew she'd found a new low.

Reporting from the Toronto Film Festival, she revealed the viewpoint of director Nick Cassavetes, which she summarized in a headline: "Who Gives a Damn? Love Who You Want." The topic was incest. Hollywood's march to tear down -- to obliterate, really -- every boundary of sexual decency should compel even the harshest accusers of social conservatives like Rick Santorum to apologize profusely. They were wrong to mock conservatives for warning of the extremes, as we're lurching so quickly and easily into the darkest "love who you want" extremesof the Lifestyle Left.

Then he arrived at what became the headline of the article: "I'm not saying this is an absolute, but in a way, if you're not having kids -- Who gives a damn? Love who you want. Isn't that what we say? Gay marriage -- love who you want? If it's your brother or sister, it's super weird, but if you look at it, you're not hurting anybody, except every single person who freaks out because you're in love with one another."