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GOP and Dem Officials Working To "Certify Mark Clayton As Winner" and then Remove Him from the Ballot!

Read it yourself if you think there's any hyperbole in our headline!

Democrats could act against Mark Clayton, official says

"Tennessee Democrats legally could strike their controversial U.S. Senate nominee, anti-gay rights activist Mark Clayton, from the November ballot and replace him with another candidate, according to State Election Coordinator Mark Goins' office.

"The process requires one of the losing candidates to contest the election within that five-day window after certification," said Blake Fontenay, a Goins spokesman, Friday.

"Then," Fontenay said, "the party must decide if 'justice and fairness' make it necessary to set aside the election results."

The decision could be made with the executive committee acting as the State Primary Board"

Democrats could act against Mark Clayton, official says

Times Free Press

Wrcb TV News

TN Report