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FREE JULIA WARD NOW: Michigan House Of Representatives Attempt Rescue of Christian Students from Homosexual Thought Control Junta holding them Hostages

FREE JULIA WARD NOW: Michigan House Of Representatives Attempt Rescue of Christian Students from Homosexual Thought Control Junta holding them Hostages

Don't look for any headlines in the major media.

The Michigan House of Represenatatives has said "enough" to the intimidating mind control of the homosexual lobbies that can tell adult Christian students and professionals what they can think about moral issues.

The Michigan house passed a bill and now it goes to the Senate. This is a call to arms to call Michigan Senators to free Julia Ward and all Christian students.

And Georgia. Get back to work Georgia legislators and rescue your Christian Students.

Details on Attempted Rescue of Julia Ward:

Credit to "Amplify your voice": "Last week, the State House passed HB4050, the "Julea Ward Freedom of Conscience Act."

If approved by the Senate, this bill will allow college students studying to be counselors in social work and psychology programs to refuse services to clients if they have "goals, outcomes, or behaviors that conflict with a sincerely held religious belief of the student, if the student refers the client to a counselor who will provide the counseling or services."

The bill was named after a graduate student from Eastern Michigan University who was kicked out of their counseling program for refusing to counsel a gay client. She insisted that being gay "goes against what the Bible said." The University, and the Federal District Court that dismissed her suit against the school, insisted that they "had a right and duty" to follow the "professional ethic rules" that make up the University's "counseling accreditation."

The Court's dismissal is in line with a December 2011 ruling of the 11th Circuit Court in Georgia that agreed that Augusta State University was right for expelling Jennifer Keetan from their graduate counseling education program for the same reason. In their ruling, they stated that counselors have a responsibility to their clients.

from world net daily, a full report