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Rice Pick As VP Would Be Betrayal -- She supports Civil Unions

Condoleezza Rice: 'Perhaps We Will Decide There Needs to Be' Same-Sex Civil Unions

CNS reports: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who reportedly is on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's short list for a running mate, said in a December 2010 interview with Christianity Today that while she believes marriage is designed for a man and a woman "perhaps we will decide that there needs to be some way for people to express their desire to live together through civil union."

"I happen to think marriage is between a man and a woman. That's tradition, and I believe that that's the right answer," she said. "But perhaps we will decide that there needs to be some way for people to express their desire to live together through civil union. I think the country, if we can keep the volume down, will come to good answers."

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