CBS's Sixty Minutes Airs Segment On Public Advocate's Eugene Delgaudio
There are 100 political productions in the Public Advocate history since 1981.
(Public Advocate also publishes newsletters, writes a million Americans each year, holds forums, news conferences, presents petitions to state and federal elected officials in Washington and around the country, files regulatory complaints, legal opinions or advisories and files briefs with federal agencies and the U.S. Supreme Court.)
The Man Donkey wedding is one the nation heard about in 1996 and is the subject of a critical news release from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The late Andy Rooney (who passed away last year at age 92) aired the segment on the Man-Donkey Wedding at the 1996 Democratic Convention so here is a photo of the interview with Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate as it took place in Chicago.