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Public Advocate Presents Parody of Corporate Executive on Boy Scout Issue

A volunteer played the role of a Ernst and Young corporate executive and presented a giant bogus $10 Million check to representatives of the Jerry Sandusky Legal Defense Fund in front of the Securities and Exchange Commission at 12 noon on Wednesday, June 27 to creatively respond to last week's call by the CEO of Ernst and Young to homosexualize the Boy Scouts.


Photos of News Conference Posted At this link

Event Details:

Who: non-profit group, Public Advocate

What: Bogus Check to "Jerry Sandusky Legal Defense Fund"

Where: In front of Securities and Exchange Commission, on sidewalk, 100 F Street, N.E., Washington D.C. near Union Station.

When: 12 noon last Wednesday June 27, 2012

Why: To condemn future Sandusky-friendly policies being pushed on the Boy Scouts

"We will ask the SEC and Ernst and Young Auditors to determine if Ernst and Young must consider amending or filing future corporate disclosures, with the SEC or any appropriate state or federal agency, to reflect a potential financial liability should they, Ernst and Young, be successful in what we call their "makeover bid" to reverse the Boy Scouts of America's policies on adult homosexuals as counselors.

We here at Public Advocate contend this would end badly for many future young victims of child abuse, the Boy Scouts being a non-profit, and during a liability finding during a judgment phase of litigation, could point to the James Turley affirmation last week to "do all he can to reverse the Scout's policy, using his corporate policies as the rationale, on keeping adult homosexuals out" and that a responsible response would be for Ernst and Young to begin setting aside monies for future substantial liability for these kinds of cases in their legal contingency funds.

We are researching why this could be required to be part of their future disclosures here at the SEC or at any other agency or in their annual reports to their shareholders," said Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate.

Public Advocate is a non-profit 501 c 4 and has filed Friend of the Court briefs before the Supreme Court in support of the Scouts. It is not affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, not affiliated with Ernst and Young or any government agency, federal, state or local.