Defending the family

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CANADA: Homeschoolers can't be taught 'gay' sex sinful

This is what the homosexual lobby has in store for American homeschoolers who teach their children at home.

They apply laws meant for the "public arena" to private churches and to private homes, just as Public Advocate has said they would.

Homeschooling families will soon be forbidden from teaching that homosexual sex is sinful as part of their schooling program, according to the government of Alberta, Canada.

Under the province's Education Act, homeschoolers and religious schools will be banned from "disrespecting" people's differences, Alberta Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk's office told LifeSiteNews just last week.

"Whatever the nature of schooling --- homeschool, private school, Catholic school - we do not tolerate disrespect for differences," said Donna McColl, Lukaszuk's assistant director of communications. "You can affirm the family's ideology in your family life, you just can't do it as part of your educational study and instruction."

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