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The anti-family Maryland legislature recently spit in the face of traditional Americans and approved so-called "same-sex marriage" in the state of Maryland.

Public Advocate is working feverishly right now to promote support for a petition drive in Maryland to overturn this fiasco. Ultra-Liberal Governor Martin O' Malley has signed this heinous legislation into law.

Public Advocate is alerting Marylanders by phone, phamplet, mailings, signs and robo-calling and working with pro-marriage groups in Maryland to stop this radical transformation.

Heroic state delegate Neil Parrott has already begun a referendum with language soon to be released to the public. Parrott filed draft referendum language last week and is awaiting approval from the Board of Elections.

This is a referendum to preserve traditional marriage and pro-marriage advocates have won every referendum in America.

Churches throughout Maryland will be asked to sign petitions March 11. Signs are being placed at hundreds of churches "Sign the Marriage Petition"

More on that story here:

Public Advocate is already in Maryland making the rounds to fight for this referendum. Public Advocate urges Marylanders and all concerned Americans to voice their concerns in letters to the editor, and to their neighbors and support the referendum process by signing and circulating a pro-marriage petition.

Please keep your eyes posted for upcoming pro-marriage events and scheduled times to sign the referendum.

Please inform your friends, neighbors, and other concerned citizens as soon as possible. Public Advocate needs your help because we are invested heavily in this fight and Maryland's families need your help! The family is being undermined by the homosexual lobby and their liberal allies in Maryland and only the voters can overturn this heinous legislation.

And believe us that is only with your help.

The Maryland Marriage Alliance needs over 50,000 signatures to get this on the ballot. The Maryland rules for petitioning are listed in the link below:

Please act as soon as possible. Once the petition language is approved ,you can sign up to get the actual Petition to sign or to collect signatures for the petition at this website: by clicking here:

Public Advocate is alerting one million Marylanders when it is time to sign the petition with signs, robo calls, mailings and phamplets and is asking all our supporters to circulate the petitions during the March 11 services and to begin circulating the petition on that date forward.

Please stay tuned and support us while we fight for the very existence of legitimate marriage in Maryland.