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Superintendent Bullies Student for Article Opposing Homosexuality--- Should Be Removed, Fired and/or Punished

A Wisconsin school superintendent dealt improperly with a student who wrote a school newspaper article condemning homosexuality as sinful.

As part of an assignment for his journalism class, which is responsible for producing the school newspaper, 15-year-old Shawano High School student Brandon Wegner contributed half of a pro-con editorial feature on adoption by homosexual couples, using Scripture to buttress his case against same-sex couples adopting children.

Wegner, who was raised in a Christian home, pointed out that, according to Leviticus 18:22, "it is an abomination" for couples of the same sex to be intimately involved.

With perfect biblical logic, Wegner wrote that "God made man and woman with the intention of them getting married to each other and having children. As Christians, same-sex partnership is against many Christian beliefs so why would it be okay for them to adopt children?"

Wegner went on to note that in a God-centered culture, "homosexuality is a perversion, not a lifestyle choice. In today's world, many Christian people generally base their values and beliefs on the Bible, and using that guideline, homosexuality is wrong, which leads us to the conclusion that homosexuals adopting is wrong because a child should not be raised in a sinful environment."

According to the Green Bay Press Gazette, after the school published the article, a local homosexual couple complained, with one of them, Nick Uttecht, telling the district that "he thinks the piece opposing gays as parents is hateful and should not have run." The newspaper said Uttecht worried that "the strong language will hurt his children and could lead students to bully gay classmates."

In several accounts, School officials and School District Administrator Todd Carlson berated Wegner, telling him that he "had got to be one of the most ignorant kids to try to argue with [him] about this topic."

According to various online and published accounts Carlson told Wegner that his article (which was submitted and never distributed to anybody in the school but written as a journalism class discussion and "debate" for the entire school to see) "personally offended me," and threatened him with the observation that "we have the power to suspend you if we want to."

The parents have retained counsel through a Christian legal firm and asked for an apology.

Public Advocate is asking for the immediate removal of all staff involved in this incident starting with the School administrator Todd Carlson.

"Students who write for academic credit or who write as students in a student forum have the right to free speech with little qualification according to cases in the courts of America since the 1970s. The same constraints are on "student press" as the regular press regarding libel and calls for violence. But there is no provision to restrict the writing of opinions in American law and no judge would allow the abuse of Brandon Wegner to publish, write his opinion when asked to do so in the manner in which he was asked. This principle of free speech is being destroyed and the Shawana County Board of Education should immediately remove the school administrator and any administrative staff associated with what can be only considered disreputable actions", said Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate.

Action To Take

Call, or write in a polite manner to express opposition to this assault of a Christian student. Assert that Americans have the first amendment right to oppose so-called gay rights and gay adoption in spite of the wrongful assault to gag and silence opposition.

All school administrative staff including the principal along with the district superintendent Todd Carlson should be asked to resign or they should be removed by the School board immediately.

At the very least, Mr. Carlson and any administrative staff should publicly acknowledge that, in the future, all students will be allowed to express their religious beliefs, free from bullying and harassment by school administrators, staff and other students.

The principal is Scott Zwirschitz and his email is [email protected] and the school phone is 715-526-2175.

Call the Board of Education (the School Board) at Shawano Wisconsin School District offices 715-526-3194

The district administrator is Todd Carlson and his email is [email protected]

Todd Carlson's phone number is (715) 526-3194 ext. 8008

Ask Todd Carlson to resign.

The Board of Education President is Mike Eldahl and he has power to call an emergency meeting of the School Board in order to immediately remove Todd Carlson and the principal Scott Zwirschitz.

Ask Board of Education Presiden Mike Eldahl to remove Carlson.

The other members of the Shawano County School Board are John Granchay, Jay Jones, Dianne Hoffman, Al Heins, Jim Heinz, Ken Shingler, Julie Van Dyck and Marcia Yeager. They have oversight of the school district administrator and principal.

The Board of Education can be written at Shawano School District 218 County Road B Shawano, Wisconsin 54155.

Other Links:

News Article Reporting Assault by Administrator Over Pro-Family Views

Wisconsin school threatens boy over op-ed opposing gay adoption, atty says

Apparently, free speech does not include those who oppose the homosexual agenda.

Brandon Wegner, a 15-year-old Wisconsin high school boy was censored, threatened with suspension and called ignorant by the superintendent of the Shawano School District for an op-ed he wrote opposing gay adoption, Todd Starnes of Fox News wrote Tuesday.

Superintendent bullies Christian student, calls him 'ignorant'
Group asks for "apology" from Carlson

Portions of this report are from "The New American"

Group Defends Student:

Mathew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, pointed out that the "bullying at Shawano High School is by Superintendent Todd Carlson and the school officials, not the student, Brandon Wegner."