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Welcome March For Life: Obama Overrides God's Rules -- Orders Catholics to Act Against Their Faith; Bishops Call it 'Unconscionable'

CNS NEWS and other sources report "The Obama administration on Friday finalized a regulation that orders all Americans-unless they work directly at a church--to purchase government-approved health insurance plans that cover sterilizations and all FDA-approved contraceptives including those that cause abortions.

The regulation further requires that health-insurance plans must provide sterilizations, contraceptives and abortifacients without any fees or co-pay."

The regulation, issued as part of the initial implementation of Obamacare, requires Catholics to act against their faith--which teaches that sterilization, artificial contraception and abortion violate the natural law and that Catholics cannot be involved in them.

Specifically, Catholic universities, Catholic hospitals and Catholic charitable organizations would not be exempted.

Public Advocate observes hundreds of thousands of pro-life demonstrators arrive in Washington Monday including Catholics for the annual March for Life on the Mall.