Public Advocate Calls on Congress to Protect Scouts NOW!
Public Advocate of the U.S., a Virginia based pro-family group is calling on both houses of Congress to stop ignoring the Boy Scouts and act on legislation that would protect them from radical groups like the ACLU and politically correct federal bureaucrats.
Public Advocate is applauding Congressman Joel Hefley and Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis for introducing legislation that would continue to allow the Boy Scouts of America to hold functions on military base after the ACLU convinced the department to the Scouts off of military bases because of their morally straight requirement for members and leaders.
"We must not give in to these extremists who wish to undo America's moral fiber through bureaucracies and courts, since they know they cannot win democratically," said Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio. "Congress must not allow the federal bureaucracy to roll over to the ACLU and kick-the Scouts off of our military bases.
"At a time of war, it is ridiculous to tell the sons of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines putting their lives on the line for us, that their Scout troops cannot use military facilities. We call for all pro-family members of congress to sign on to this legislation and on the Republican leadership to make sure that the urgent matter is acted on as soon as possible."
Public Advocate will be sending a petition to thousands of its members calling on Congress to bring this essential legislation to an immediate vote in committee and on the floor.
The Hefley Resolution is H. CON. RES. 6.
The Davis Bill is H. R. 71.
Public Advocate has been fighting for the American family for over 25 years, and is exempt from federal taxation under IRC section 501(c)4. Contributions for gifts to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible.