Delgaudio To Gingrich: "You Have Until Dec. 19 To Reverse and Condemn Your Betrayal of Family Values"
In a registered certified letter to Front-runner Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich and to all the other Presidential candidates for President, PA president Eugene Delgaudio said the following:
"I am writing on behalf of millions of Americans across this country to demand you sign Public Advocate's Official 2012 Presidential Survey 100%. For too long our government has allowed the agenda of a radical minority to dictate the course of social and moral legislation.
Homosexuals by definition comprise less than 2% of our population, yet the mainstream majority has been forced to live according to their mandates. The Republican Party, once the champions of Virtue and Morality, has polluted their ideals with homosexual funding and dalliances.
This is simply unacceptable to the Pro-Family Movement. My supporters and I will never support a candidate for any office who gets into bed with the Radical Homosexual Lobby and/or refuses to stand up to their radical, destructive legislation.
As president of Public Advocate, I am dedicated to protecting the American Family against any immoral encroachment or betrayal of the Family. To this end, I have enclosed Public Advocate's Official 2012 Presidential Survey on the Family.
I hereby strongly insist that you complete the enclosed survey and return it to Public Advocate's office no later than December 19, 2011. Failure to do so will be regarded the same as a negatively answered form. Thank you, "