Defending the family

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How do GOP Presidential candidates answer Christians' questions?

Six of the GOP presidential hopefuls sat in the sanctuary of First Federated Church Friday night November 19 in Iowa and were asked questions from a Christian pro-family perspective.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rep. Ron Paul, Gov. Rick Perry and Rick Santorum - were urged to answer at length questions not likely to be asked by ABC moderators, such as, "What's your worldview?" "What's the moral justification for war?" and, "What is something you would like to ask forgiveness for?"

Organizers of the event said it was held in the Des Moines church for a reason:

"For people of faith to remove their voice fom the public policy process is spiritual negligence," argued Family Leader President Bob Vander Plaats. "We don't need the church to be political. We don't need them to be Republican or Democrat … but we need you to be biblical.".....................


Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, at one point asked the candidates point blank if they would support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

"No," Paul answered succinctly.

The Texas representative argued there is too much federal government involvement in people's lives as it is and illustrated from the biblical example of Israel crying out to the prophet Samuel for a king that the responsibility to do right is on the people and the churches, not "asking the king to solve these problems."

Santorum, however, said an amendment was necessary because, as Roe v. Wade illustrated, the Supreme Court doesn't like different laws across different states and would likely take up the issue. Insisting on 10th Amendment rights to define marriage, he said, would only result in putting the issue into the hands of nine judges.

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