Defending the family

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Media Portrays Opposition To Forced Sodomite Marriages as "Extremists"

As churches and pro-family groups brace for the taunting and public displays of debauchery in Manhattan along the parade route, the news media portrays one extremist group as the opposition to forced mass sodomy ceremonies.

Quoting one major news source: Westboro Baptist Church, a group highly infamous for its radical stance against homosexuality and protest activities, announced its plan to picket the New York City's Gay Pride March on Sunday, June 26.

International Business Times (New York) and other media outlest are reporting :

On June 24, the historic vote on the same-sex marriage bill in New York was passed by a narrow margin of 33 to 29, making New York the sixth and most populous state to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples.

The next day, Westboro released a statement that reads:

"As @NYGovCuomo pushed fag marriage, hundreds (including media) called on #Westboro for an appearance at this Fag Death March. Thank God for September 11! God gave you an opportunity to repent, but you're not hearing the rod, NY. Stay tuned for an ear-tingling GodSmack that'll make 9/11 look like a game of Tiddlywinks."

The extremist group, based in Topeka, Kansas, said it would stage its protest at the NYC Pride March's route at 36th Street and Fifth Avenue from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, when the event will start

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