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11 RINOS Vote For Pro-Abortion Federal Judge

11 Republican senators voted yesterday for cloture and thus to permit the pro-abortion judicial nominee John "Jack" McConnell to become a lifetime federal judge:

Lamar Alexander of Tennessee,

Scott Brown of Massachusetts,

Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine,

Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson of Georgia,

Lindsey Graham of South Carolina,

Mark Kirk of Illinois,

John McCain of Arizona,

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and

John Thune of South Dakota.

CNS is reporting "Senate Democrats were able to confirm the former director of Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island to a lifetime federal judgeship after 11 Republicans voted to close debate on the nomination and allow it to come up for a final vote.

As a lawyer, the new judge was also involved in litigation against the tobacco industry and a failed lawsuit against former manufacturers of lead paint.

The cloture vote on the nomination of John J. "Jack" McConnell was 63 to 33 with 1 senator voting present and 2 senators not voting at all. Had 4 of the 11 Republicans who voted for cloture not done so, the nomination would have failed. A cloture vote requires 60 votes to succeed.

All 11 Republicans who voted for cloture-and thus to allow McConnell's nomination to proceed-turned around and voted against the nomination itself on the final vote. That vote succeeded 50 to 44 and McConnell was confirmed."

Read the entire report on how 11 Republicans supported Planned Parenthood's new Judge