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Gays Hate Ex-Gays According To Maryland Testimony


PFOX, the ex-gay ministry has issued a statement saying the following:

- According to CNN, the Maryland House of Delegates decided last Friday not to vote on a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in the state of Maryland, a sign that the measure did not have majority support within the overwhelmingly Democratic legislative body. The homosexual marriage bill was sent back to committee, effectively killing its passage for the time being.

Greg Quinlan, the President of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), testified before the Maryland House Committee against the genderless marriage bill. Hear his testimony:

The Washington Post quoted Quinlan's testimony:

Ironically, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a homosexual lobbying organization, advocated for gay marriage in Maryland on the grounds of "equality."

Yet HRC opposes PFOX's participation in the World Bank's Community Connections Campaign, which collects funds for charities among World Bank employees. As an ex-gay charity, PFOX participated last year in the campaign. In response, HRC publically called on the World Bank to remove PFOX from its list of charities, although numerous gay organizations also participate.

"HRC's bullying against ex-gays contradicts its claim of equality," said Quinlan. "Why should heterosexuals be fooled by HRC's false commitment to so-called equality?"

PFOX urges the Maryland legislature to combat sexual orientation discrimination by passing a resolution affirming tolerance for the ex-gay community. "An affirmative resolution would educate gay groups on tolerance for all sexual orientations, and not just a favored few," said Quinlan. "Why should tolerance only be extended to wealthy special interest groups?"

In 2005, Maryland State Senator Alex Mooney introduced an amendment to the state's expanded hate crimes bill which would have included former homosexuals in the Maryland hate crimes law.

The amendment was defeated along party lines, with mostly Democrats voting against the amendment that would have protected ex-gays. Yet protections for homosexuals were included in the bill.