Verdict In: Erick Erickson of RedState, Michelle Malkin and Mark Levine declare - They have had enough of Goproud
Erick Erickson of RedState, Michelle Malkin and Mark Levine
declare They have had enough of Goproud
Red State's Erick Erickson condemns GoProud says
(Quote) I have done my best to stay out of this business, keep
my mouth shut, and appreciate my friends on both sides of the CPAC
divide. Had I not seen this particular attack by GOProud against
long time solid conservatives I'd continue keeping my mouth
But this is too much.........
As someone who spent time trying to give them the benefit of
the doubt, I accept this as conclusive proof that, while it is a
Republican organization, GOProud is not a conservative
Let me tell you why......(He goes on to
report and comment on the attack on an ACU lawyer who works
tirelessly as a volunteer to defend the family, help the pro-life
cause and help elect social conservatives.
And how because this ACU leader is a moral person with a
disagreement over a lifestyle, she is called a "nasty bigot" in a
public interview by GoProud's chairman.)
"........ You'll learn that should you disagree with GOProud,
you are a bigot too. In fact there are lots of delightful quotes.
GOProud has taken one of the favorite leftist bullet points and
brought it straight into CPAC. You oppose affirmative action?
You're a racist. You oppose gay marriage? You're a
bigot, " says Erickson.
He says "In fact, let me now fully disabuse you of the
notion that GOProud is a conservative organization." (He
lists major liberal positions taken by GOproud leaders promoting
compulsory unions, promoting abortion, attacking conservative
Senate Candidates, conservative Senators and conservative
candidates for President.)
Erickson concludes "Those groups and people who have sat out
CPAC this year have done so not because they hate the gays, as
Grover Norquist and GOProud would have you believe, but
because GOProud is not a conservative organization and its agenda
is not a conservative agenda.
For that, they are called losers and nasty
These losers and nasty bigots have done a lot more for the
conservative movement than GOProud. And I am very happy to call
them my friends.
........ I'd much rather be with them than be at
For the entire Redstate posting
Breaking: Levin calls out gay conservative group GOProud
Late Friday night Levin said on his national broadcast:
GOProud is saying that all they want to do is debate the issue. But
that's not all they want to do. They're trashing traditional,
social organizations that have been crucial to the conservative
movement and to victory. They're trashing them.
(reference to Goproud calling ACU leaders and the
Heritage foundation "bigots".)
Well if you want to be treated with respect, if you
want to have a debate and you don't want to be trashed, then don't
trash other people. It's a debate worth having and it's a debate we
conservatives can have. With respect.
Michele Malkin Tweets Followers "Goproud Not Conservative"
The "nasty bigot" line led right-wing Red State's Eric
Erickson to write..... "this is too much." That post -- and
specifically his line that "GOProud is not a conservative
org & its agenda is not a conservative agenda" -- was
tweeted out by right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin