Breaking: Top Talker Tammy Bruce Resigns From GoProud
Tammy Bruce is a national talk show host with a very large
following. Although an open lesbian, she has been consistently
libertarian by not wishing federal government involved in expanding
her rights simply because of her sexual persuasion.
She issued this statement today
Statement on Twitter from Talk Show Host Tammy
(Quote )I want to let you know that after being a supporter
and serving as Chair of the Advisory Board since May of 2010, I
gave Chris Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia my resignation Saturday
As Independent Conservatives and Tea Party patriots, we have a
lot of work to do in the next two years taking our great nation
back, and I do look forward to continuing to work with
conservatives across the spectrum on the issues with which we all
have in common. (unquote)
No reason was stated. We will learn later the reason
or reasons.
Public Advocate is going to guess and say "We told you
Genuine libertarians or limited government advocates will not
be confused by GoProud's strident embrace of the entire homosexual
lobbies' demands-- while claiming to be "libertarian" or
It is a major resignation of one of their top celebrities and
it comes after many strange alliances (Clinton supporters at
CPAC?), confrontations and revelations during what is normally,
since 1973, a productive and unifying political action
Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio has said from the
beginning of the controversy involving GoProud and Grover Norquist
at CPAC that CPAC can not conform or keep the conservative label by
advocating federal solutions and new spending across the board or
attempting to destroy elements of the conservative coalition while
having audiences applauding the reduction of federal laws and
So-called "conservative homosexuals"
1. assist in destroying the U.S. military by going to court to
upend the Don't Ask Don't Tell policies which would force
Christians and moral volunteers out of the U.S. military. That's
not traditional pro-military.
2. in recent days attack a dozen major conservative figures
over their traditional beliefs during a major conference as they
have throughout the year
3. attack or force out major traditional groups around the
clock during a major resurgence of traditional values.
We said a lot more, in recent days, and as early as
last summer on August 9, 2010 " Coulter, Norquist and Goproud: On a
Fraud And Scam quest"