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Gays Get Major Money From Republican Leaders Paid By Other Republican Donors

Outcast William Weld Returns

Headline from Liberal Huffinton: "Steve Schmidt, Former McCain Campaign Chief, On Mehlman Fundraiser: Same-Sex Marriage Becoming Conservative Cause"

Its all in the Huffington Post.

"A major same-sex marriage fundraiser hosted by former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman and other Republicans provides one of the sharpest illustrations of how gay rights is becoming a cause among more elite, establishment members of the GOP.

In addition to Mehlman, who recently announced that he was gay, the list of attendees includes several surprises, such as Ben Ginsburg, one of the Republican Party's top lawyers, and Henry Kravis and Paul Singer, two of the biggest donors to the GOP. According to one gay-rights activist involved in similar efforts, the fundraising pool goes even deeper."

Public Advocate notes among the $5,000 donors to the American Foundation for Equal Rights is none other than William Weld who Public Advocate staged numerous demonstrations against for his pro-gay actions while Governor and then who was banished from Washington, D.C. years ago.

But there is major money being raised as usual and the profit of being a top Republican National Chairman and the plum assignments of runing John McCain's campaign is now being used to raise millions to attack traditional marriage.

For the details