PRO-GAY "Weakly" Standard: Bill Kristol: Don't fret don't whine" over DADT repeal
PRO-GAY "Weakly" Standard: Bill Kristol: Don't fret, don't
whine over DADT repeal
So here come the pro-gay rights cheerleaders who
parade as "conservatives" while promoting the gigantic expansion of
government as "big government conservatives."
Now their top leader says "the military can take perversion
forced on them".
William Kristol writing in The Weekly Standard: "As Fiano
writes, it's a 'massive insult to our military' to assume that
soldiers can't handle the challenge of integrating openly gay
troops. True, this is a burden they might have been spared while
fighting two wars. But they'll deal with it."
Public Advocate trusts that newly elected Congressmen and
women will ignore Kristol's savvy bootlicking of the homosexual
lobby's lame duck disaster.
For the source: