HAPPY NEW YEAR Finally Leaving: Idiot Liberals Who Like To Stare At Goats And Charge You $100 Billion
Finally Leaving: Idiot Liberals Who Like To Stare At Goats And
Charge You $100 Billion
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) -- Defeated
This is a guy who tried night and day to make free speech
completely illegal. Only five members of the Supreme Court threw
this law out and restored the basic right to participate in free
elections in this country.
And that court action made President Barrack Obama throw a
self-destructive tantrum with a rant during his own State of the
Union. Feingold's bill had made it fashionable to duct tape
millions of people and President Obama was just all hunky dory with
that. There is a long list of similar assaults on freedom, the
treasury and traditional values. Don't worry the news media will
employ Russ Feingold and the exempted advocacy groups will pay him
millions for his brilliance.
Liberals like Russ Feingold as an elected official
passes legislation to install a guaranteed monopoly worth billions
and does not go to jail. He gets retainers and university plums.
Sen. Arlen Specter (was R-PA) (then D-PA) -- Defeated in Democratic Primary
This guy made flip floping a daily theme for his tenure in
Washington. He was so confused he got into politcal bed with
President Obama. Obama staff offered his opponent a job to throw
the election and honest voters banded together in the Democratic
Party rank and file got rid of him in a primary.
He made an act of seeming fair but in the end looked
confused and manipulative beyond description. Voters had to put
him out of his misery.
Gov. Charlie Crist (R-FL) then (I-FL) -- Lost Race For Senate
Rubio beat him for the Senate. And just as well. Charlie Crist
would have made Ted Kennedy look like a boy scout.
During his "run" for the Senate he tried to make it look like
a charge up San Juan Hill with the Teddy Roosevelt's rough riders.
Actually it was more like the charge of the light brigade in
his mind. But Crist was certainly not TR's rough rider or close to
the light brigade at all.
In fact it was a nasty graceless use of his governor's office
to browbeat and bash anything remotely conservative standing in his
way. The national media hailed this duplicitous behavior as
When a conservative governor (Sarah Palin) resigns from office
to participate in public policy its a scandal. When a entrenched
liberal governor uses his power to destroy the opposition its
And Crist's wrongful behavior no doubt fueled an entire change
in most state governorships in the country.
He supported gay rights, supported Obama's health plan and on
his way out of office, one of Crist's final moves was to pardon the
late Jim Morrison for his infamous 1969 conviction for indecent
exposure at a Doors concert in Miami.
It seemed he, Crist, was flashing the general public
with his political positions throughout the year, so why not pardon
another actual flasher.
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) -- Defeated
Exhibit A of the political theatrical talents on the left in
America. Public Advocate names Alan Grayson as the undisputed
Public Advocate's Top Liberal Political Actor for 2010.
Political Muckraker says "Grayson became famous for his
vitriolic attacks on Republicans, most notably his declaration that
the GOP health care plan was for people who get sick to "die
quickly." He has also described Republicans as "knuckle-dragging
neanderthals," imagined Dick Cheney as a vampire with blood
dripping from his teeth and even crashed a local Republican meeting
in his district. (The latter event was of course captured on an
attendee's cell phone camera, and uploaded to YouTube.)
It often seemed like Grayson was putting on a piece of
performance art, attacking Republicans with the vitriol they use
all the time to attack Democrats, questioning their moral values
and basic sense of humanity -- and for this, people called him
crazy. In the end, Grayson lost by a whopping 56%-38% to Republican
former state Sen. Dan Webster"
So even the liberals seem to concede you can get out of hand
--after the election -- but they sure cheered him when he went over
the top. But that's okay because it was all "liberal street
theater" and that's okay.
If conservatives do this, its hate speech of
For the record, we don't agree with Grayson's words but
absolutely salute his right to say it.
Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) -- Retired
With his retirement Public Advocate will retire the Kennedy
Sobriety Checkpoint Squad who's primary duties were to stop cars
around the U.S. Capitol and state "if your name is Kennedy, get out
of the car".
Rep. Dave Obey (D-WI) -- Retired
Rather than face a Republican revolt that was going to make
the same free speech issuses the cornerstone of the 2010 elecction,
Mr. Obey left.
As long ago as 1978 when Public Advocate was first
founded, we fought Obey's HR 1 which would have limited
spending in Congressional races. Obey supported liberal causes
including the so-called " Gay " agenda and pushed through
legislation to restrict and punish any citizen who resisted him and
his grow the government and stifle liberties policies.
It is the Feingold legislation that restricted political
speech but Obey had been pushing it for 40 years.
Good bye and good riddance to all of them and so many others
who would ram down the throat of Americans their agenda in every
way possible. They of course will fight for their wicked agenda
from the outside now.