The Unknown Public Policy Group: 1000 News Stories in 30 years
Yes, my fellow Americans. There is a group that for 30 years continues to confound the liberals as The Unknown Public Policy group. Year after year and time after time with thousands of articles in major print newspapers, TV shows, radio and wire services, here come the internet with 100s of new articles all claiming -- now and forever--- that they never heard of Public Advocate.
The Washington Post first reported in 1982 in a Metro section front page article. Dozens of major newspapers ran front page stories on September 30, 1983 photographs and wire service stories -- above the fold-- of a White House ceremony.
But we might as wear that paper bag on our masthead, like the unknown comic.
On the internet does anyone hear you scream "Idiot Liberals"?
PA does post summaries of our projects, programs and videos of our news conferences on the HOME PAGE. But it does require time most deadlines don't allow.
This is the roll call of recent news or blog articles on PA, some
of whom claim they have "never heard of us" (shades of writer Byron
York who WORKS with several people who know Public Advocate for 30
This is all okay. Its part of our mission not to be "noticed". Really. That's why we call it "low budget grass roots".
Video:Young Turks Attack Public Advocate
Liberals proudly and enthusiastically embrace being touched by strangers anytime anywhere.
There are a dozen blogs attacking Public Advocate here's just
Phoney Liberal "Church" Blog Frequently "Reports" on Public
110,000 Visits in the history of the blog (which translates to 200 visits a day)
This is a minister candidate's blog who is a member of the church of jesus christ not the leader and not affiliated with the corporate entity of any church. He's like a liberal who posts "major church I belong to dot com" as if he is the "major church". Its just a group of liberals attacking Public Advocate
Democratic Party: Blue Virginia Frequently Attacks Public
Loudoun Times Mirror Echos Dem Party In Attacks On Public
Video and report WUSA TV Chan. 9 News Report: CEO of Public
Advocate Paid!
Speaks for itself
WTOP All News Radio Reporter Reports Public Advocate Sending Out Emails-- WOW
This is one of several annual stories WTOP, and Washington area newspapers now report annually since 1982 as if they just discovered it.
We need to stop here, but we want to repeat. Liberal reporters read the liberal blogs and then report it as "news". Liberals blogs attack Public Advocate because Public Advocate is one of the few groups actually confronting liberal policies in Washington on a proactive basis.