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PA Announces Betsy Hansen as First �Family Advocate of the Month� Recipient

Falls Church, VA - Eugene Delgaudio, Executive Director of Public Advocate of the United States, a national pro-family group based in northern Virginia, announced today the new "Family Advocate of the Month" award along with its first recipient, Betsy Hansen of Michigan.

Hansen has come to national attention after her alma mater, Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor, refused to let her express her opinion on the morality of homosexuality during a so-called "Diversity Week" event.

After Hansen was forbidden from taking part on the panel, school officials informed her that she could speak to the assembly instead during a student forum. These officials then censored her speech by taking out parts they disagreed with.

Hansen has refused to be silenced and is now filling suit against the school district for violating her free speech rights.

"The dark forces of political correctness in American public schools have struck again, stated Delgaudio while announcing the award. "The hypocrisy of these school officials having an event claiming to promote diversity and then silencing a student with an opinion contrary to their own is astonishing, but unfortunately not surprising. These officials are not interested in any diversity of ideas and beliefs what conflict with the liberal propaganda that they inflict on these kids.

"Betsy Hansen has refused to submit to these enforcers of thought control, and her actions today will help protect the rights of all free-thinking students that will follow her. As the first recipient of the Family Advocate of the Month award she truly sets the standard."

The Family Advocate of the Month Award will be given monthly to Americans who fight for family values while exposing the politically correct liberal elite as the hypocrites they are. The award will be announced on Public Advocate's website and will include a certificate and a modest monetary award. Nomination forms for Family Advocate of the Month will be available on the website.

Each December one of the winners of the monthly award will be chosen as Family Advocate of the Year and will receive a $500.00 award.

For more information contact Jesse R. Binnall at 703/582-7924 or by email at [email protected].


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