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California Falls Into Ocean Politically--Elects Gay Speaker

California Falls Into Ocean Politically--Elects Gay Speaker

Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger attacked 70 percent of the California electorate that voted for tradtional marriage. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) has destroyed the country and now the California Assembly has elected an openly homosexual Speaker.

This is a state comprised of large sections of liberal elements banding together to rip off the few parts of California that are well off. If only the 70 per cent that voted for traditional marriage united behind one candidate or in California, one referendum. Oh it did already.

McClatchy Newspapers Reports: California assembly elects its first openly gay speaker

Assembly Democrats this afternoon chose Assemblyman John A. Perez as their new speaker, making the first-term Democrat the first openly gay man to hold the post.

Members emerged from a closed-door caucus at the historic Stanford Mansion to announce that Democrats had chosen Perez, of Los Angeles, on an unanimous vote.

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