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Join Public Advocate On Sept 12th For The Washington D.C. Tea Party

Fellow Conservatives and concerned citizens,

On Saturday, September 12th Public Advocate and thousands of other concerned Americans are going to rally here in Washington D.C. We will tell Obama and Pelosi that we are tired of being taxed through the nose, tired of being wildly spent into extreme debt, and we are sick and tired of living under a deaf and bloated Federal government that refuses to listen to the American people.

Public Advocate will be at the United States Capital at 10 A.M. handing out Gadsden flags and we invite you to be there with us. We will be handing them out as a symbol of our patriotic protest and also to show solidarity with Kenneth Gladney. Mr. Gladney was sent to the hospital with serious injuries after Union thugs beat him up for handing out this same flag at a Town Hall meeting in St. Louis Missouri a few weeks ago.

A video of Public Advocate’s demonstration in support for Mr. Gladney can be viewed here.

Please join us at the U.S. Capital and show your support for the Tea Party movement, Kenneth Gladney, and for the restoration of American liberty. Show Obama that we will not be just shut up and go away. 

We will be sending out more information as it becomes available.