Obama turns WH site into Gay Clearinghouse
Even as pro-family crowds rallied and comprised the overwhelming majority of Americans in Washington at his swearing in ceremony, President Barrack Obama was betraying these same pro-family supporters and well wishers.
As thousands waited along the parade route, the official White House website became the Obama Gay Rights Channel.
Within an hour of his swearing-in, the following was posted on the official White House website, as Obama's immediate "civil rights" goals.
Protect cross-dressing and transgenderism in workplace (including schools) through federal law: Pass "Employment non-discrimination Act" [EDNA] to prohibit "discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression".
Expand hate crime statutes, including the radical "Matthew Shepard Act" which would allow the federal government to prosecute and punish if the crime was perceived to be "motivated by prejudice based on the actual or perceived . . . gender, sexual orientation, gender identity" of the victim.
"Reinvigorate" the federal Department of Justice to pursue prosecution current hate crime laws against citizens.
Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA]
Push for full civil unions and federal recognition of homosexual couples, with benefits equal to actual marriage. (This appears to be leading up to full federal recognition of same-sex "marriage".)
Allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military - repeal "Don't ask don't tell."
Use the federal government to expand adoptions of children by homosexuals.
MassResistance calls it "Obama begins deconstruction of society and traditional values".
Public Advocate calls it the betrayal of a majority of his own supporters behind their backs. Few had access to the internet during the subzero temperature of Tuesday and few would check the White House website on their way to Balls and other destinations , as they returned home.`
And the news media may only report a one word answer to a question about gays in the military. The president said "yes" to the question "do you intend on reversing the gays in the military ban"?
Entire "civil rights" list from White House web site