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Public Advocate to Obama: Listen to your supporters

Public Advocate polled Obama supporters and showed in several videos in several states that supporters of Obama support marriage. On election day supporters of Obama in California also voted overwhelmingly to preserve traditional marriage by constitutional amendment.

This seems to show through an extremely substantial polling what Public Advocate knew prior to election day with its smaller but earlier sampling, that supporters of President-elect Obama overwhelmingly support traditional marriage and support a constitutional amendment to keep marriage between a man and a woman.

PA video surveys combined with the exit polling (quite a substantial and admittedly more authoritative) published in the Washington Post show Obama supporters supporting traditional marriage:

"Led by overwhelming support among black voters, California on Tuesday narrowly approved a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage...

Exit polls showed that black voters, who flocked to the polls to cast a ballot for Barack Obama, voted for the ban by an overwhelming margin. Nearly seven out of 10 black voters supported a prohibition of same-sex marriages. Whites split on the measure, while Asians rejected it and Hispanic narrowly approved it.

The black vote, as measured by exit polls, increased from 6 percent in 2004 to 10 percent in this year's election."

PA has posted videos of Obama supporters who also support the federal marriage amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman only. A few examples:

The California amendment reads: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."

An approval by voters would overturn the state Supreme Court, which in May concluded the state could not constitutionally deprive homosexual duos of the title "married."

Thank you to all who voted and Public Advocate has always felt a vast majority of Americans overwhelming support traditional marriage. This is a clear message to President-elect Obama to reverse his opposition to a marriage amendment that underscores what Public Advocate has been reporting for months on this website.