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Texas Families Vote to Protect Marriage

In another major victory for the American family-one largely overlooked by the national media-Texans voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to protect traditional marriage between one man and one woman.

The measure was approved by 76% of voters despite efforts be the radical homosexual lobby to confuse voters by the humorous claim that it would threaten traditional marriage as well as homosexual marriage.

The vote was especially important because it not only outlawed same-sex marriage but will also bar "creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage," this language ensures that liberal legislators and activist judges cannot force gay marriage-light partnerships, such as so-called "civil unions" on Texan families.

"This was another major victory for all American families," said Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio. "Everywhere and every time voters get an opportunity to put a stop to homosexual marriage at the ballot box the results are overwhelmingly in favor of the family and opposed to the radical homosexual lobby."

Public Advocate has been fighting for family values for over twenty-five years.