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Donald Trump

00:00:00-00:00:36 (36 sec)
Well, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. And I'd like to start by saying that our country is doing very well. Things are, as you can see, doing quite well. Please, sit down. Before we begin, I just want to announce that I signed a proclamation a few moments ago honoring the 250th anniversary of Patrick Henry's famous speech to the second Virginia Convention, in which he declared very well known, very famous words, give me liberty or give me death.

Has anyone heard the phrase? I think most of you have. And moments ago, I also signed an executive order to dramatically increase production of critical minerals and rare earths. It's a big thing in this country. And as you know, we're also signing agreements in various locations to unlock rare earths and minerals and lots of other things all over the world, but in particular, Ukraine.

We're doing very well with regard to Ukraine and Russia and one of the things we are doing is signing a deal very shortly with respect to rare earths with Ukraine, which they have tremendous value in rare earth, and we appreciate that. And we spoke yesterday with, as you know, President Putin and President Zelenskyy, and we would love to see that come to an end.

And I think we're doing pretty well in that regard. So hopefully, we can save thousands of people a week from dying. That's what it's all about. They're dying so unnecessarily and I believe we'll get it done. We'll see what happens, but I believe we'll get it done. Today, we take a very historic action that was 45 years in the making.

In a few moments, I will sign an executive order to begin eliminating the federal Department of Education once and for all. And it sounds strange, doesn't it, Department of Education? We're going to eliminate it and everybody knows it's right and the Democrats know it's right, and I hope they're going to be voting for it because ultimately, it may come before them, but everybody knows it's right and we have to get our children educated.

Donald Trump

00:02:30-00:02:56 (25 sec)
We're not doing well with the world of education in this country and we haven't for a long time. And we're pleased to be joined today by the woman who I chose because she's an extraordinary person, and hopefully she will be our last Secretary of Education Linda McMahon. Linda, thank you. Thank you very much.......................................................

When President Carter created the federal Education Department in 1979, it was opposed by members of his own cabinet as well as the American Federation of Teachers, the New York Times editorial board and the famed Democrat Senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan. History has proven them right, absolutely right.

After 45 years, the United States spends more money on education by far than any other country and spends likewise by far more money per pupil than any country. And it's not even close, but yet we rank near the bottom of the list in terms of success. It's an amazing stat. Those are two stats you don't want, the most money spent per pupil and you're at the bottom of the list and that's where we are like it or not.

And we've been there for a long time. 70 percent of eighth graders are not proficient in either reading or in math, 70 percent. 40 percent of fourth graders lack even basic reading skills, can't read. Students in our public elementary and middle schools score worse in reading today than when the department opened, by a lot.

In Baltimore, 40 percent of the high schools have zero students who can do basic mathematics, not even the very simplest of mathematics. I said give me your definition of basic, and they're talking about like adding a few numbers together. Despite these breathtaking failures, the department's discretionary budget has exploded by 600 percent in a very short period of time and employs bureaucrats in buildings all over Washington, DC. And as a former real estate person, I will tell you I ride through the streets of Washington and it says Department of Education, Department of Education.

I said how do you fill those buildings? It's crazy what's happened over the years. I'm pleased to report that after offering these federal employees two generous buyout options -- and they were very generous and they're good people, but they were very generous. My administration has initiated a reduction in force and we're already cutting numbers that were really surprising to a lot that we were able to do it so successfully.

And we've cut the number of bureaucrats in half, 50 percent have taken office, which is great. Thank you. Under the action I am taking today, a small handful of democrats and others that we have employed for a long time, and there are some Republicans, but not too many, I have to be honest with you. But the department's useful functions such as -- they're in charge of them -- Pell Grants, Title 1 funding, resources for children with disabilities and special needs will be preserved, fully preserved, they're all going to be. So, if you look at the Pell Grants, supposed to be a very good program, Title 1 funding and resources for children with special disabilities and special needs.

They're going to be preserved in full and redistributed to various other agencies and departments that will take very good care of them. And that's very important to Linda, I know, and it's very important to all of us. But beyond these core necessities, my administration will take all lawful steps to shut down the department.

Donald Trump

00:08:27-00:08:45 (18 sec)
We're going to shut it down and shut it down as quickly as possible. It's doing us no good. We want to return our students to the states where just some of the governors here are so happy about this. They want education to come back to them, to come back to the states and they're going to do a phenomenal job.