Florida Man Threatened Donald Trump, Challenged him to Fight Me Naked

A man residing in Florida has been arrested after allegedly making disturbing threats against President Donald Trump, challenging him to "fight me naked until the death," according to police.
Authorities - including the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office SWAT Team with help from U.S. Secret Service - arrested Kendal Aaron Todd, 42, in St. Lucie County after he allegedly posted threats to President Donald Trump on social media.
In one of his since-deleted clips, authorities say Todd declared, "Donald Trump is the Antichrist" and "Because of Donald Trump, every single person in the world is cursed."
IN A VIDEO posted by Kendal AaronTood:
"The video is laced with profanities and is often confusing.
"Donald Trump has personally made business decisions which have hurt so many different reincarnated Jesuses," Todd said.
Toward the end of the 80-second video, Todd's message to the president goes from confusing to threatening.
"Fight me naked to the death!" Todd said. "I'm going to cut you up with a chainsaw and put you in acid."
"He just kept escalating his behavior," said St. Lucie County Sheriff Richard Del Toro. "He got the attention obviously of the United States Secret Service, and that got our attention."